Sunflower Liquid Lecithin Heals Psoriasis 
Welcome to my review on Sunflower Liquid lecithin.
Years ago when I used to have psoriasis, I searched and read about many things that might help me get my precious skin back. It took weeks of learning and researching endlessly. Then I learned about the promises of lecithin, I became ecstatic.
Lecithin Comes in Different Forms
I have tried both lecithin capsules and lecithin granules.
The problem with lecithin capsules is that I would have to take dozens of capsules a day just to get the recommended amount. At that rate, you could go through a whole twenty dollar bottle in a few days.
The problem with lecithin granules is that they’re primarily made from soy and not’s a good thing.
Sunflower Liquid Lecithin
Then I learned about Sunflower Liquid Lecithin made by the company now. This stuff is awesome. It is Soy-Free and GMO free. It is made with Phosphatidyl Choline, a phospholipid. The same Phospholipids composed of our cell membrane. It does not contain, yeast, corn, tree-nuts or dairy products. This is great news.
Texture: The texture to Sunflower Liquid Lecithin is thick. Thicker than pancake syrup and similar to the texture of molasses just not as sticky.
Taste: I could say that it taste like nothing but then I would be wrong. I have tried other lecithin brands that do taste like nothing. Sunflower lecithin brand tastes like plastic. I wash it down with a glass of water right after I ingest it. Remember it’s not about the taste it’s about your skin. Plain and simple.
Quantity: I usually take about 6 spoon fills at the end of the day, moments before I go to sleep.
Mission of Ingesting Liquid Lecithin
Within days of taking Sunflower Liquid Lecithin you will start to see your skin slowly change back to normal. The flakes and inflammation that are present by psoriasis will start to disappear. This process is slow and it takes several months. This is a guaranteed win against psoriasis but only if you don’t eat any counter productive ingredients within that time frame.
I always order these items in bulk. I order about six bottles at a time.
The cheapest places online to get Sunflower Liquid Lecithin is All Star Health and Amazon.
If you haven’t read “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” on this website, go back to the main menu and read that content now. The other content will help you cure psoriasis, and understand WHY the “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” are so important. Understanding the WHY will help figure out HOW to cure psoriasis that much easier.
Read my homemade recipes for psoriasis section of this website too. If done in conjunction with The Do List and the Don’t List, it will help you cure psoriasis naturally and will also help you maintain beautiful skin thereof.
“How to cure Psoriasis”
“Cure Psoriasis – The Do list”
“How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List”
“Cure Psoriasis With Passion”
“About Drake”
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