What Is The Cure For Psoriasis


I was once like you, searching, digging, scanning the internet. Desperately looking for answers and yearning for the truth.

Do you feel that you’ve been left in the dark with vital information; as if they were not telling you everything?


What is the cure for psoriasis you ask? Didn’t the doctor say there was “no cure, only lifetime topical treatments that helps control it from spreading or itching too much.” If you heard the doctor say something similar to that quote then you must not want to take that information with a grain of salt because here you are seeking alternatives.

But don’t get mad at the average doctor for lying to you because more than likely he’s just trying to keep his job by telling you what big pharma wants you to think. Which is buy more of our medications and everything else “shows no indications or evidence that it works.”

Just smile and understand that most of us are not the idiots they take us for.

So What Is The Cure For Psoriasis?

To understand the question, “what is the cure for psoriasis?” You have toNever be sick again book cover cure psoriasis first understand three basic health fundamentals from three key big league professionals. These three people are revolutionary in their philosophy concerning health and disease. Specialist yes. Masters in general in more respects.

Each have laid their reputations on the line to prove their controversial perspectives about disease and have succeeded.

All have tested their hypothesis in the field with hundreds of patients and controlled variables. And finally, all three have proven their points with successful outcomes matching their hypothesis.

  1. This is the foundation fundamental in which other conclusions presented here (and from the other two scholars) can be based. “There is only one disease.” That one disease is called “Malfunctioning Cells.” And “cells only malfunction for two reasons: Toxicity and Deficiency.” – Biochemest Dr. Raymond Francis, M. Sc. – who wrote Never Be Sick Again.

2. As if confirming Doctor Francis “toxicitydr. pagano-program book-review cure psoriasis” point to the letter, Doctor Pagano has concluded that Psoriasis is the “leaky gut syndrome, the workload for the kidneys and liver becomes so great that the body has to eliminate waste through the skin.” – Dr. John O. A. Pagano, D.C. – who wrote Healing Psoriasis.

3. Another one of Doctor Raymond Francis points confirmed. The matter of deficiency. The “lack of so many B vitamins” or “deficiencies… have resulted in scaliness of the skin. And showers of dandruff. – Nutritionist Adelle Davis who wrote Let’s Get Well.

Malfunctioning Cells

Let’s think about the problem. In this case, the epidermis is not operating the way it usually operates; it’s doing something strange, something unusual. They diagnosed this skin disorder as psoriasis.

So what is psoriasis? Psor/o means [itchy] and -aisis means the [state of] or [process of]. Psoriasis is the state of being itchy. It’s defined as an autoimmune disorder in which the skin creates an excessive amount of cells.

Patches of itchy skin become occupied by red and white lesions of plaques and/ or silvery scales. It usually occurs on the knees, scalp, elbows, and arms, but can manifest anywhere on the body.

The current problem is that the skin cells are being attacked by the body’s lymphocytes aka immune cells. The lymphocytes fight and damage healthy skin cells thus shortening the life of those cells which causes more cells to produce faster in its place. This cycle ends with inflamed, flaking dead skin and then it repeats.

Malfunctioning cells are present with every disease. From diabetes to dementia. From cancer to the common cold. Cells and primary systems are malfunctioning. Secondary systems are being activated. This is happening due to one or two reasons.

Toxicity and Deficiency.


Toxicity means too much toxin intake. If you are constantly eating and drinking trashy foods and garbage drinks, meal after meal, day after day, year after year, then you are obviously setting your body up to malfunction.

It simply can’t take the abuse without something somewhere going drastically wrong, malfunctioning, shutting down and activating secondary toxin release systems.

Some trashy junk foods are usually the cause of toxicity but being exposed to harsh chemicals is also a major factor too. Constantly using the wrong soaps or being present around certain environmental anomalies is a major factor to consider.

“What is the cure for psoriasis?” Avoid everything on my Don’t List is part of the answer. I discuss a huge list of things to be avoided when healing from psoriasis. These items are mostly foods that should be avoided when trying to rid the body of psoriasis.

Why not cease all toxicity all together?” Because toxins are everywhere, our bodies are exposed to it 24/7. Computer screens to cell phones, man made food to laundry detergents, all the beverages we drink to the air we breathe. There will always be toxicity, avoiding what we can when we can and to the best of our abilities is a good balance of time and choices.


Cells of all kinds need tremendous amounts of nutritional intake to operate at peak potentials efficiently. If the body’s system is not operating at its max potential, then there is space for error.

When the body errors, the immune system operates without ease or dis-ease, compensating for the lack of nutrition. The immune system also works to the point of exhaustion while reacting to excessive toxins. Symptoms occur in proof of this.

The medical term for “symptom” is indication of disease present. Symptoms are indicators of major skirmishes going on in the human body.

These fights consist of white blood cells and body mechanics vs. bacteria, viruses, toxins, and many other contaminants alien to the body.

The display of symptoms indicates malfunctioning and secondary systems being activated.

Some Symptoms that are Toxin Release Mechanisms

– Sneeze: A spasm to blow out contaminants

– Vomit or diarrhea: Releases toxins quickly

– Runny nose: Mucus seeping toxins

– Dark or cloudy Urine: Extreme toxin flush

– Productive cough: Releases and hocks up phlegm build up

– Sweat: Can seep toxins through pores of the skin

– Inflammation: Elimination of noxious agents and of damaged tissue

Usually in all cases, medications counter the symptom and not the problem. A good example would be that the common cold medicine reduces the symptom of a runny nose by slowing the flow of mucus, but it doesn’t stop the problem on why the nose is runny in the first place.

The nose is runny because it’s attempting to rid the human body of excess toxins, viruses, and bacteria.

With the skin problem psoriasis, simply putting on potent ointment to reduce itch, flakes, inflamed swelling, and redness, will not eliminate the problem but only reduce the symptom.

If you asked, “what is the cure for psoriasis?” Here it is again. Drastically reduce toxicity and significantly increase nutritional intake.

Prep for the worst by giving your beloved body a fighting chance. Nourishment is what the body requires. High doses of nutrition will give your body the expected enrichment required to fight off low amounts of toxicity and operate sufficiently.

  • A Jet-Pack from that classic Rocketeer movie cannot race through the clouds without proper Jet-Pack fuel. ?
  • Any engine will break down eventually without the proper lubrication of oil.
  •  A human body cannot thrive as was intended without sufficient nutritional components.

“What is the cure for psoriasis?” I cured my psoriasis by doing the things on my “Do List.” It is indeed part of the answer. I discuss a huge list of things to do to cure psoriasis. These items are mostly nutrients that should be utilized by the body indefinitely.

Two Deficiency Examples: Vitamin B Complex and Lecithin

B Vitamins are what people with skin conditions are extremely deficient with.

According to Nutritionist, Adelle Davis, who wrote, Let’s Get Well, eczema and psoriasis are both caused by a “faulty utilization of fat,” and deficiencies of “vitamin B” and “lecithin.”

She pushes her readers to replenish lecithin, vitamins C, E, A, especially B vitamins which can alleviate skin diseases.

She has discovered that both animals and humans alike suffer from “various types of skin rash…when deficiencies of essential fatty acids or almost any one of the B vitamins,” are obvious. The Nutritionist stresses that the situation can become much worse if not confronted.

Both animal and human can become “encrusted with heavy, itching scabs.” She suggests the utilization of Lecithin and multiple Vitamin B.

Here is a Link to some high quality B complex.

Lecithin is a lipid that exists in the body presently. Produced by the liver, it is one of the primary components that hold together cell walls; it is also present in other animals, eggs, spinach and many other perishables. An organic building block. A magnificent natural occurring phospholipid in the body’s cell membranes that holds us together. But that’s the boring part.

Now get this. Because excessive amounts of toxic cholesterol exists in the blood and also in the skin cells of those that have psoriasis, lecithin can work in the readers favor by reducing cholesterol and dissolving it. You read right. Dissolve toxic cholesterol.

Lecithin emulsifies fats, enabling the fat to be dispersed in H20. Psoriasis patients have shown to have an overloaded amount of fat cells. Harnessing lecithin should be definite because it dissolves toxic fat.

What is the cure for psoriasis you ask? Lecithin is a God-send because it is part of the answer you seek.

“254 patients” ceasing new break outs after the first week, after being given “4 to 8 tablespoons” of lecithin. Even severe cases of psoriasis displayed recovery after just five months.

I like the liquid lecithin that has no soy and is Non GMO. Here is the Link to some Lecithin.

Scope All Material On This Website

Want to see more you can do to ditch skin problems. Go to “The Do Listlets-go-cure-psoriasishere on this website or get the full eBook here.

The other Posts include:

– “How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

– “Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

– “How to Cure Psoriasis

– “Cure Psoriasis With Passion

– “About Drake

– “Homemade Recipes For Psoriasis

Own My eBook Offline, “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is jammed pack with rich information on things to do, “The Do List” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List,“ on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.

If you don’t want to purchase my book just yet. Study and browseHow-to-rememdy-psoriasis-naturally-cover around my website instead.

However, if you want to have your own personal downloaded copy in a simple and easy to navigate interface, you are in luck. A portable and accessible eBook reader app like Kindle, Apple, ePub, PDF, etc, etc, are some examples.

Read on or off-line however you choose or can. No internet connection no problem. Learn off grid and keep this valuable information forever.

My eBook is $9.99.

If you do decide to help me out and purchase my very first eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be very much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this website.drake brooks

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Image Courtesy By Helge Höpfner (Archiv Höpfner) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)], via Wikimedia Commons, license, some rights reserved

Best Oils For Psoriasis


Welcome to my list of the best oils for psoriasis.

Everybody has their own oils that work best for them; however, Ibest-essential-oils-for-psoriasis-bitmoji made a list of my best oils for psoriasis that work for me.

Quick note, a wise man wants said to always test a patch of skin first, to make sure it does not trigger or aggravate symptoms.

Sufferers know that this autoimmune disorder can be very uncomfortable. But thankfully, it can be managed until you get rid of it completely. To learn how to get 100% clear skin and lose psoriasis for good, click here.

Until then, you can reduce the red and flaky appearance with the best oils on the market. Because oils are perfect for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Here’s my list of the best oils for psoriasis.

Lavender Oilbest-essential-lavender-oils-for-psoriasis-lavender-picture

Lavender oil is one of the best smelling oils around. The smell can be so enchanting and soothing that it can actually calm the troublemaker we call stress.

This fact alone is perfect for psoriasis because stress has been known to damage the skin and also cause psoriasis flair ups. Lavender oil can ease skin harming stress thus calming psoriasis at the same time.

So besides smelling good, lavender oil can also heal.

Yes that’s right, It has antiseptic and healing properties that counters psoriasis, eczema and irritated skin.

A study with 15 psoriasis patients found that lavender oil helped improved their symptoms.

Here’s a link for some quality lavender oil.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil comes from the Australian leaves of Melaleuca Alternifolia, AKA Tea Tree.

Antibacterial, antiviral, anti fungal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory are some powers of tea tree oil just in general. If skin irritations had enemies, it would definitely be the oil of the tea tree.

The reason why tea tree oil is one of the best oils for psoriasis is because it has a concentration of terpinen. Terpinen is the main antiseptic components of tea tree oil. So it’s important that it’s present too.

Terpinen also has anticancer effects on various types of cancer cells. It is used as anti-inflammatory and as an antioxidant.

The quality of tea tree oil varies, so it’s important to acquire 100-percent natural tea tree oil with no additives. Organic tea tree oil by a reputable company should suffice. Melaleuca alternifolia should be printed on the label.

Here’s a link for some good Tea Tree oil.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil has a plentiful amount of omega-3 fatty acids and the vitamins A, D, and E. These are just some of the many reasons why avocado oil is one of the best oils for psoriasis.

Nourish and Moisturizeavocado heal psoriasis bitmoji

Avocado oil contains lecithin, potassium and other nutrients that nourish and moisturize all types of skin. Utilizing this oil helps form new skin cells that are well nourished due to the absorption of these nutrients.

Relieves skin inflammation

Avocado oil has anti-inflammatory effects, which reduces redness and inflammation. Antioxidants and vitamins in avocado oil help heal dry, irritated, and flaky skin. The essential fatty acids in avocado oil were also found to help reduce inflammation.

The essential fatty acids and oleic acid in avocado oil encourages collagen synthesis, which is the molecular process of creating tissue.


Aging usually shows on the skin. Studies have shown that healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, can help the skin retain elasticity.

Nail Psoriasis

Avocado oil can be used on dry nails as a moisturizer. The vitamin E, beta carotene, vitamin D, protein, lecithin, and essential fatty acids in the oil can polish skin and nails.

Scalp Psoriasis

Putting avocado oil the scalp as a warm oil mask can help to reduce dryness and dandruff flakes.

Here’s some good Avocado Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is beautiful for soothing psoriasis because it is packed with antioxidants and has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti fungal properties. The skin also absorbs it extremely easily, making it a wonderful moisturizer for dry skin. It tenderizes skin plaques and calms annoying itching.

Coconut oil has the same type of fatty acids that are present in our skin. It’s a great lotion for dry skin because it bonds with skin cells by acting as a, moisturizing, absorbable, nourishing, fatty acid.

Studies show that coconut oil decreases inflammation and loosens flakes from skin and scalp.

Coconut oil works well because it contains the good kind of saturated fatty acid. This is called “medium chained saturated fatty acids” which “are easily digested, absorbed and utilized by the body,” says Todd Bello in his internet article The Negative Effects of Coconut Oil. He “has been suggesting coconut oil for psoriasis since” he “can remember.”

Coconut oil has about 90% saturated fats and the rest monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. So coconut oil can indeed be eaten, but the real benefactor comes with direct application on the skin.

Applying coconut oil to itchy and inflamed patches of skin on the body are what people are doing all over the world, most users get relief.

The Benefits Linked To Coconut Oil

– Anti-Inflammatory

– Battles Psoriasis

– Antibacterial

– Antifungal

– Prevents Osteoporosis

– Decreases Itch

– Prevents Dandruff

– Counters Eczema

– Battles Timdonitis

– Improves Thyroid Functionality

– Battles Gum Diseases

– Counters Liver Diseases

– Battles Heart Diseases

– Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

– Helps Prevent Cancer

– Counters Depression

– Battles Dementia

– Battles Alzheimer’s disease

– Helps with Autism

– Reduces Wrinkles

– Kills Candida

– Supports Weight Loss

– Balances Cholesterol Levels

– Relieves Constipation

– Antioxidant

– Enhances Energy

– Soothe Sore Throats

– Soothe Cold Sores

– Reduces Anxiety

Coconut Oil can also be used for cooking at higher temperatures because it is one of the only few oils that remain stable during high heat. Most other oils oxidize, or chemically combine with oxygen, changing its molecular structure and becoming very toxic.

Coconut oil is a great saturated fat and is known to do something different than oxidize when heated. When it is “produced with heat,”it “results in the highest amounts of antioxidants,” according to Dr. Axe in Food is Medicine.

A study published by Food Science and Biotechnology theorizes that this isCoconut and oil cure psoriasis “due to the release of polyphenols.”

It is extremely important to use only organic coconut oils and not synthetic or altered coconut oils because some coconut oil manufactures produce their product using a more refined process, altering it via chemical
distillation, heat, preserves, desiccation, and substitutes.

This alteration perverts the saturated fat and converts it into an unhealthy “synthetic trans fat,” which is highly toxic for the body.

When shopping for coconut oil, especially when using it to cook, choose, organic, pure, high quality coconut oil, and look for the one with almost perfect consumer product five star ratings. Research the item that you fancy before you purchase it online or while strolling down to the grocery store aisle.

You can also scope the back of the bottle. If it has any other ingredients besides coconut oil, or if it was processed in a facility that produces soy, or anything strange or counterproductive for the person with psoriasis, then it may be a good idea to just browse a different brand.

Here’s a link for quality coconut oil.

Castor Oilcastor oil cures psoriasis

If you don’t have a bottle of castor oil in your home by now, you can have some delivered within a day or three.

People are calling this oil the miracle oil. It has been used for thousands and thousands of years and has even been found in Egyptian burial grounds.

Aztecs were also known to utilize castor oil for medical purposes as well as skin issues too. This is probably because it encourages a healthy immune system.

Castor oil is used in many lotions and skin products, and is very popular in China, Europe, USA, Japan, and Thailand. Tiny amounts can be rubbed into the body for deep moisturizing.

Castor oil can also be ingested, for its multiple medicinal benefits. Yes, there is a toxic chemical inside the castor oil plant and beans but it is neutralized during oil extraction making it safe for ingestion.

Castor Oil Benefits

– Treats Colic

– Helps Constipation

– Treats Dandruff

– Shines Hair

– Treats Psoriasis

– Natural Laxative

– Helps with Fungal Infections

– Helps with Arthritis

– Anti-Inflammatory

– Moisturizes Skin

– Cleanses Stomach

– Promotes Hair Growth

– Slows Aging Process

– Encourages Healthy Tissue Growth

– Thickens Hair

– Disinfectant

– Treats Bloating

– Reduces Pigmentation

– Helps Prevent Premature Graying of Hair

– Antimicrobial

– Induces Sleep

– Detoxifies

I use Heritage Castor Oil. It’s one of the better quality brands out there, because it’s free of added chemicals and solvents. Heritage uses only pure Ricinus Communis (castor).

Here is the link for Heritage Organic Castor Oil at Amazon.

Here is the link for Heritage Organic Castor Oil at All Star Health.

Thanks for reading my review on the best essential oils for psoriasis.

So now we know what oils are healthy for the skin if applied when needed, you will be happy to see the dryness decrease.

Quick Note

It is important to remember that just applying topical oils alone will not remedy psoriasis naturally. By giving bad stuff to our bodies, through time it will show on our skin and by neglecting to give our bodies good stuff it will eventually show on our skin.

Follow my links and make your skin heal.lets-go-cure-psoriasis

If you haven’t read “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” on this website, I highly suggest you do so. My other content will help you cure psoriasis, and help you understand WHY the “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” are so important.

Understanding the WHY will help you figure out HOW to cure psoriasis that much easier.

If applying this list of the “best essential oils for psoriasis”

is done in conjunction with The Do List and the Don’t List, it will help you cure psoriasis naturally and will also help you maintain beautiful skin thereof.

How to cure Psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

Cure Psoriasis With Passion

About Drake

Own My eBook Offline, “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is packed with great information on things to do, “The Do List” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List,“ on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.


Read about How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally.

If you want to have your own personal downloaded copy in a simple and easy to navigate interface, you are in luck. A portable and accessible eBook reader app like Kindle, Apple, ePub and Pdf, are some examples. Read on or off-line however you choose. No internet connection no problem.

Purchase my eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be very much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this site.

Thanks for reading this part of my website. Feel free to leave me a comment or question. I will respond.


Image Courtesy By Phu Thinh Co (Dầu dừa) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons, license, some rights reserved


Grapes For Psoriasis – Grape Seed Extract For Psoriasis

When the water from the Great Flood receded and Noah stepped off his famous arc, one of the first things he did was plant a vineyard. Yes, according to the bible, grapes are one of the most important fruits for mankind.

In the past, clean water wasn’t as available as it is now. So instead of drinking dirty water, the majority would drink diluted wine. Even children and babies were given alcohol to drink.

And though this article is about grapes for psoriasis and not wine. It is important to understand why wine should not be consumed during the psoriasis healing process. But we will get to that soon.

The concept of this article is “grapes” for psoriasis. And there is three main reasons why grapes can counter it.

One: grapes are anti-inflammatory.

Two: grapes remove toxins.

Three: grapes have dozens of nutrients.

Quick Briefing on Psoriasis and Inflammation

Psoriasis is a skin complication that presents itself with inflamed, red skin. It can show up as a rash anywhere on the body and tends to flake off, similar to dandruff. The condition is considered an auto immune disorder to where the white blood cells are over active and attack the body’s own tissue. To learn more about skin inflammation called psoriasis click here.

Acute vs chronic.

Short term inflammation or Acute inflammation is thought of as healthy inflammation because it is activated when our body’s our imperil or damaged, such as injury or infection.

Acute inflammation serves to annihilate bacteria, toxins, and other foreign contaminants when it is required. And it deactivates shortly after. It will activate to do it’s work and then it will stop when it has completed it’s work.

Chronic Inflammation AKA long term inflammation is the extreme opposite of short term inflammation. A menacing form of inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation is warning light because it’s a sign of something wrong, something amiss. It is vile and pink and straight up annoying, it can cause many issues in our body.

It starts attacking the body’s own systems and doesn’t seem to want to stop. Chronic inflammation will continue to be activated because something in the body is causing it. Chronic inflammation will start nasty problems if it is not taken care of sooner or later.

Grapes Fight Inflammation

Grapes for psoriasis is not an understatement. It works because it’s excellent for stopping skin inflammation due to it alkalizing the body.

If one is always indulging in acidic foods, the acidity will cause organ and skin inflammation sooner over later.

Grapes reverse acidity by promoting good PH balance, a form of edible buffering. This counters extreme acidity.

Restoring by the way of tweaking and finely tuning. Grapes help return proper PH and thus it helps to control skin inflammation.

There are hundreds of reasons on why the gut is inflamed and leaky. To understand the main reasons why click here.

On a second note, grapes contain high amounts of resveratrol, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant also found in certain berries. It is mostly potent in the seeds and in the skin of these fruits. Resveratrol can lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol if consumed regularly.

Grapes Have Nutrients

Grapes carry a sizable amount of nutrients that cater to the body. A shortage of needed nutrients can cause serious inflammatory conditions including psoriasis and other skin ailments.

Here are some of the benefits that are in grapes.

A Vitamin: Adelle Davis, a popular 1960’s Nutritionist, lectures that inflammatory diseases like psoriasis and eczema are caused in part due to vitamin A deficiency.

Vitamin A can stop multiple inflammatory diseases. This includes inflammation of joints, organs, and skin.

B vitamins inside grapes can regulate inflammation.

B1 vitamin: or thiamine, is found in beans and liver too. Nerve inflammation and other types of bodily inflammation may surface if deficient.

B2 Vitamin: According to the US National Library of Medicine, vitamin B2 AKA Riboflavin “deficiency induces a pathological pro-inflammatory response.”

B3 Vitamin: Or Niacin produces skin and digestive health which is needed when psoriasis is present. Niacin deficiency can cause red inflamed skin that may flake like scalp dandruff.

B6 vitamin: is sometimes found in anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications are issued by big pharma to control inflammatory diseases.

B7 Vitamin: Most call it biotin. It is found in a lot of different foods. It promotes healthy looking skin and a healthy functioning digestive system, which is perfect when combating psoriasis or skin inflammation.

B9 vitamin: Also known as Folic Acid or Folate. This helps the body make healthy cells and not inflamed or flaky ones. Especially important for prenatal and postnatal spine development and brain development.

B12 vitamin: Responsible for healthy cell reproduction. This includes healthy skin reproduction. B12 deficiency can cause various dermatological symptoms, including dry skin and inflammation.

C vitamin: The ultimate vitamin on Mother Earth.

Vitamin C can make miracles happen. Putting inflammation at a halt is indeed an under statement. But the beauty of vitamin C is it act’s as an electron giver.

The vitamin C found in grapes can not only help prevent disease, but it can totally reverse most diseases too. This is because vitamin C gives electrons to free radicals.

Why donate electrons to the enemy? Because, by donating electrons to the free radicals, they now carry all they can hold. This prevents them from stealing electrons from other sources.

E vitamin inside grapes helps to control inflammation because of it’s antioxidant properties. Antioxidants guard cells very heavily against free radicals and decrease inflammation at the same time.

Vitamin E and vitamin C can be considered soul mates because they get along when they are both present. The two complement each other like a matching suit and tie, thus reducing inflammation by increasing each others benefits. Vitamin C and E are both present in grapes making it a powerful fruit.

K Vitamin is important because it allows the coagulation of blood which prevents excessive bleeding from wounds. More relevant, vitamin K also has anti-inflammatory qualities.

There was data recorded from observing 1000 plus participants in a vitamin K experiment. The study showed that a decrease in inflammation took place.

Minerals vs. Vitamins

One of the main differences between vitamins and minerals is vitamins are organic. And minerals are inorganic.

Because vitamins are organic they originate from plants and animals. Minerals are inorganic solids and originate from soil or earth but are obtained through plants and animals. Both are natural occurring.

Vitamins can also be broken down further from their existing chemical compound.

Air, acid, heat, and the reaction to other chemicals and compounds make the chemical break down possible.

Edible minerals can’t be broken down any further because they exist as an element (simplest form of substance) and not a compound (which is a combination of two or more elements in a well numbered, natural occurring chemical structure).

Essential minerals are basically a group of raw elements on the periodic table. AKA dietary elements or dietary minerals.

Just like several vitamins, some dietary minerals are fine if eaten in just
trace amounts. And comparable to some vitamins; some minerals are more beneficial if consumed in a larger dose.

Another similarity a few dietary minerals share with vitamins is the ability to be stored.

Dietary Minerals Present in Grapes Counter Inflammation

– Boron builds strong bones, strong muscles and increases testosterone levels. It also improves thinking skills and muscle coordination.

Boron regulates the inflammatory process by serving as a signal suppressor that down-regulates the actions of certain enzymes playing key roles in the inflammatory process and thus involves itself in modifying the development of inflammation.

Calcium fights obesity, and all the fatty cells that are very common with psoriasis sufferers.

chromium reduces the markers of oxidative stress and inflammation.

Copper makes red blood cells and maintains nerve cells. It also helps with the immune system and with energy production.

Iron deficiency will spawn skin inflammation and other types of organ inflammation.

Magnesium deficiency will create skin inflammation and other types of organ inflammation.

Manganese Improves bones, is an antioxidant thus reducing inflammation, It is also a blood sugar regulator.

Phosphorus filters waste and toxins which is crucial for keeping a clean circulatory and digestive system thus preventing inflammation.

Potassium builds necessary muscles and flushes excessive amounts of sodium thus reducing inflammation.

Sodium in trace amounts are required for fluid balance and blood pressure regulation.

Zinc regulates immune functions, learning and memory, capacities. And mainly wound healing.

Grapes Remove Toxins

Grapes flush toxins because they have multiple anti-inflammatory properties including anti-inflammatory minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals.

Indeed, grapes can flush heavy metals and radiation too.

Think of grapes as an internal soap. A healthy fruit that cleans the digestive track very well.

Proanthocyanidins: One of the most powerful antioxidants in the world can be found in grape seeds.

Grapes Seed Extract

Everybody is talking about grape seed extract. Because is helps counter diabetes and can stop weight gain in its tracks. But first and foremost, it fights inflammation. OPC, found in grape seed extract, stands for Oiligomeric Proanthocyanins, which are bioflavonoids.

Bioflavonoids are very potent antioxidants. There are well over 20,000 types of bioflavonoids and OPC’s are the strongest type to be considered.

OPC’s are free radical exterminators, meaning they hunt down and kill free radicals. This is awesome news because that means that OPC’s also fight inflammation.

OPC’s regulate the activity of T-Cells aka white blood cells, which stop inflammatory markers.

And as a massive bonus, OPC’s amplify the effects of existing vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin E.

Benefits Linked to OPC Grape Seed Extract

– Anti Inflammatory

– Fights against Psoriasis

– Free Radical Hunter Killer

– Powerful Antioxidant

– Extreme Vitamin Enhancer

– Anti-Aging Miracle Worker

– Counteres Diabetes

– Fights Liver Cirrhosis

– Counters Circulatory Disorders

– Normalizes Blood Pressure

– Vitalities Veins and Arteries

– Minimizes Hypersensitivity

– Minimizes Chance Of Cancer

– Eases Cataracts

– Powerful Antibacterial Agent

– Fights Anxiety Issues

– Delays Alzheimer’s Symptoms

– Improves Motor Coordination

– Inhibits Plague Formation

– Reduces Effects of Oxidative StressGrape-Seed-extract-for-psoriasis

– Minimizes Chance of Blood Clots

– Speeds Up Muscle Recovery

– Reduces Chance of Phlebitis

– Improves Joint Flexibility

– Treats Venous Insufficiency

– Battles Scurvy

– Counters Arthritis

– Counters Heart Disease

– Counters Arteriosclerosis

– Improves Circulation

– Relieves Varicose Vein Problems

– Inhibits Edema

– Minimizes Bruising

– Battles Parkinson’s Disease

– Can Open Blood Vessels and ArteriesGrape Seed extract heals psoriasis

– Reverses Obesity

– Prevents Cognitive Loss

– Minimizes Hyperactivity (ADHD)

– Boosts Attention Span

– Discourages Insomnia

– Fights MRSA

– Decreases Menopause Symptoms

– Helps With Asthma

– Reduces Stroke Risk

– Fights against Eczema

OPC’s are found in certain tree barks, and in certain vegetables and fruits. According to The Colon Therapists Network, the highest concentration of OPC exists in the grape seed extract “containing 92% ofactive ingredients.”

Grape Seed Extract is a huge must when it comes to fighting psoriasis. The CTN also says that OPC is “20 times more powerful then Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful then Vitamin E.”

Interesting Fun Fact

Long ago in the winter of 1595, Explorer Captain Jacques Cartier and his crew were marooned in the Saint Lawrence River. The crew had run short on food and supplies, and were developing scurvy which was killing them slowly one by one.

An Indian Chief told Captain Cartier that Pine Tree bark would heal and save his crew. Cartier and his men ate the bark and became well again. Cartier recorded all his findings is his journal.

Present day, when analyzing the bark of pine trees, it is discovered that
high amounts of bioflavonoid are present within the bark.

Included in these bioflavonoids is the most powerful bioflavonoid of all,
Oiligomeric Proanthocyanins also known as OPC. Interesting enough, grape seed extract still maintains the highest amount of OPC.

-Here is the link for some quality Grape Seed Extract from All Star Health.

-Here is the link for some quality Grape Seed Extract from Amazon

Wine and Psoriasis

It is important to know that even though wine can be very beneficial. Alcohol should not be consumed while trying to rid the body from psoriasis.

Doctor John Pagano mentions that only a few ounces (2-4) of only dry red wine may be consumed AFTER the healing process has begun.

For most of his patients, this healing process may take up to three to six months.

What We learned in “Grapes for Psoriasis” Article

Grapes are wonderful for countering body inflammation. This includes skin
inflammation which is psoriasis, an autoimmune disorder. Considering grapes for psoriasis, and putting it in your daily routine will help make curing psoriasis and other inflammatory diseases very

Quick Note on Portioning

Because grapes contain sugar it is wise not to overeat. Even though it is natural sugar, too much may still cause flare-ups. It is wise to eat grapes and other fruits sparingly in the beginning of any regime and until a decrease of lesions begins. This will ensure the best outcome possible.

Own My eBook Offline, “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is fully loaded with valuableRemedy-poriasis-naturally-cover information on things to do, “The Do List,” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List,“ on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.

Own your own personal downloaded copy in an easy and simple to navigate interface. A portable and accessible eBook reader app like Apple, Kindle, ePub and PDF, are a few examples in which this eBook can be read.

Learn on or off-line however you wish. No internet connection no problem.

If you decide to help me out and purchase my eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be very much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this website.

Learn more about how to heallets-go-cure-psoriasis psoriasis naturally via my “Do List” and my “Don’t List. All available on this website. Just navigate to the main menu and continue to learn.

All my material will help you get rid your psoriasis, and
understand WHY the “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” are so very important.

Truly comprehending the WHY will help you figure out HOW to heal your psoriasis that much quicker.

I have just educated you about the benefits of grapes. If done
in-sync with The Do List and the Don’t List, it will ensure that you rid
your psoriasis naturally and will also help you maintain wonderful skin.

How to cure Psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

Cure Psoriasis With Passion

About Drake

Thank you for reading this part of my website. Feel free to leave me a comment or question below. I will respond.


Apples For Psoriasis – Get Your Skin Back

As the cliché saying goes, “an apple a day keeps the doctors away…” couldn’t be more farther from the truth. Apples are the power house of ultimate fruits.

Mankind has been eating, cultivating, and harvesting apples for thousands or years. Thousands of different varieties exist today.

Apples have a long and eventful history. Eaten by humans for over ten thousand years, they are considered one of the healthiest fruits in the world.

There are three main reasons.

One: apples are anti-inflammatory.

Two: apples remove toxins.

Three: apples have dozens of nutrients.

Quick Lesson

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that presents itself with red inflamed skin. It can appear as a rash anywhere on the body and tends to flake off like dandruff. To learn more about skin inflammation called psoriasis click here.

Acute vs chronic.

Short term inflammation or Acute inflammation is known as good inflammation because it is activated when the body is damaged or imperil, such as infection or injury.

Acute inflammation serves to extinguish toxins, bacteria, and other foreign contaminants when it is needed. And it deactivates when it’s no longer needed. It will activate to do it’s job and then it will cease when it has completed it.

Chronic Inflammation or long term inflammation is the complete opposite of acute inflammation. A very bothersome type of inflammation.

Chronic Inflammation is a danger sign because it’s a symptom of something not right, something amiss. It is nasty and red and horribly annoying, it can cause many problems in the body.

It starts fighting with the body’s own systems and doesn’t ever want to stop. Chronic inflammation will continue to be activated because something in the body is making it act this way. Chronic inflammation will cause extreme problems if it is not handled soon.

Apples Fight Inflammation

Apples for psoriasis is perfect for countering chronic inflammation because it’s one of the fruits that actually alkalize the stomach.

Constantly indulging in highly acidic foods will cause organ and skin inflammation eventually.

Apples counter extreme acidity by encouraging PH buffering. This manipulates extreme acidity.

Restoring and tweaking, and finely tuning the proper PH balance thus helping to control body inflammation.

Psoriasis, which is skin inflammation, is usually caused by inflammation of a leaky gut.

There are scores of reasons on why the gut is inflamed and leaky. To learn the main reasons why click here.

Apples also promote gut healing and anti-inflammation by catering to good bacteria. This is true because apples contain pectin, a prebiotic fiber.

Good bacteria, AKA probiotics feed on prebiotics, keeping them well; this in turn is extremely beneficial to gut health.

Apples Have Nutrients

Apples have an outrageous concentration of nutrients that is highly advantageous to the body. A lack of needed nutrients can cause a number of ailments including psoriasis and other skin problems.

Here are some of the qualities that are present in Apples.

Prebiotics: Food for our body’s friendly bacteria.

A Vitamin. Adelle Davis, a 1960’s Nutritionist, explains that inflammatory diseases like psoriasis and eczema are caused by A vitamin deficiency and a “faulty utilization of fat.” She highly recommends, lecithin and the vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Many other sources claim that vitamin A can reverse multiple inflammatory diseases. This includes inflammation of organs, joints, and skin.

B vitamins inside apples can regulate inflammation.

B1 vitamin: also known as thiamine, which is also found in beans and liver. Nerve and other bodily inflammation may arise if deficient.

B2 Vitamin: The US National Library of Medicine says the B2 vitamin or Riboflavin “deficiency induces a pathological pro-inflammatory response.”

B6 vitamin: is also an ingredient that is put into anti-inflammatory medications. These drugs are issued by medical doctors to control inflammatory diseases.

B17 vitamin: A controversial cancer killing vitamin found in certain seeds.

Apricot seeds and apple seeds are the most likely to contain this vitamin.

An extract of this vitamin is called Laetrile. An underground documentary about vitamin B12 named “A World Without Cancer” can be watched on YouTube. Highly informative. I truly recommend it.

This film claims that some doctors that prescribed Vitamin B17 loss their medical license, were incarcerated or worse.

C vitamin: AKA ascorbic acid is a top vitamin on the planet and a common antioxidant in many fruits.

Vitamin C can do the ultimate. Turning inflammation around is indeed an under rated trait. The main attribute of vitamin C is it act’s as an electron giver.

The vitamin C found in apples can not only prevent disease, but it can also reverse disease too. This happens because vitamin C donates electrons to free radicals.

But why donate electrons to the trouble making culprit? Because, by giving electrons to free radicals, free radicals now hold all that is possible for them to carry.

This hinders free radicals from stealing electrons from other places.

E vitamin inside apples control inflammation because of it’s antioxidant properties. Antioxidants stand and guard cells from free radicals and decrease inflammation.

Vitamin E and vitamin C can be considered great allies because they compliment each other when they are both present at the same time. They reduce inflammation by increasing each others attributes. Vitamin E and C both exist in apples making it a super fruit.

K Vitamin. Allows the coagulation of blood which prevents excessive bleeding. Vitamin K also has anti-inflammatory qualities.

While observing data from over 1000 participants in a vitamin K experiment. The case study showed that a decrease in inflammation took place.

Phytonutrients are natural compounds found in vegetables and fruits.

These essential nutrients promote good health and anti-inflammation. They also have antioxidant properties that prevent damage to cells throughout the human body and positive effects on the immune system.

Phytonutrients also have antiviral, antibacterial and anti aging qualities.

Apples have Minerals

If you were to compare vitamins and minerals, the main difference would be vitamins are organic, and minerals are inorganic.

Because vitamins are organic they originate from plants and animals.

Minerals are inorganic and originate from earth and soil but are acquired through animals and plants. Both are natural occurring here on Earth.

Vitamins can be broken down further from their present chemical compound. Heat, air, acid and the reaction to other compounds ensure the chemical break down to occur.

Edible minerals can’t be broken down any further because they exist as an element (simplest form of substance) and not a compound (combination of two or more elements in a well ordered, natural occurring chemical structure).

The essential minerals are typically a few raw elements on the periodic table. Also, known as dietary minerals or dietary elements.

Like a few vitamins, some essential minerals are ideal in just trace amounts of oral consumption. And similar to a few vitamins, some dietary elements are highly beneficial if consumed in a more generous quantity.

Granted, another awesome trait that dietary minerals share with vitamins is the ability to be stored in the body.

Dietary Minerals Present in Apple Cider Vinegar Counter Inflammation

  • Iron – Trace amounts are fine. Deficiency = inflammation.
  • Magnesium- Deficiency = inflammation.
  • Calcium – Strengthens bones and fights obesity. Fatty cells are common with psoriasis.
  • Phosphorus – Filters waste and toxins.
  • Copper – Makes red blood cells, maintains nerve cells, immune system and energy production.
  • Potassium – Builds muscle and flushes excessive sodium which reduces inflammation.
  • Manganese – Improves bone health, is an antioxidant, reduces inflammation, and a blood sugar regulator.
  • Sodium – Trace amounts required for fluid balance.
  • Selenium – Antioxidant and immune system health.
  • Zinc – Regulates immune functions, learning, memory, and wound healing.

Apple’s Remove Toxins

Apples are well-known forelm-bark-powder-bitmoji removing toxins because they have many anti-inflammatory properties including anti-inflammatory vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals.

Apples are perfect for flushing heavy metals, radiation and other harmful toxins in the body.

Think of apples as an internal body scrub. A healthy fruit that cleans the digestive track.

Apples are excellent for a three-day body fast. Eat only apples for three days and the body’s digestive track will be in much better shape then it was before.

Apples Counter Disease

– Fights Obesity

– Counters Diabetes

– Helps Fight Heart Disease

– Reduces Cholesterol

– Protects Against Alzheimer’s disease

– Reduces Plaque Buildup Inside Arteries

– Protects Against Cancer

– Prevents Neurogenerative Disorders

– Counters Psoriasis

– Reduces risk of Asthma

Apple Choices

There are over 7,500 varieties of apples in the world. As humans, you can tell we really like our apples. Here some apples to name a few.

  • Mutsu
  • Ambrosia
  • Red delicious
  • Honeycrisp
  • Macoun
  • Zestar
  • Fuji
  • Gala
  • Jonagold
  • Rome
  • Hyslop crab
  • Granny smith
  • McIntosh
  • Jazz
  • Cameo
  • Braeburn
  • Envy
  • Cortland
  • Golden delicious
  • Empire
  • Suncrisp
  • Sun Dance

What We learned in “Apples for Psoriasis” Article

Apples are superb for fighting body inflammation. This includes skin inflammation which is psoriasis. Incorporating apples in your daily routine will help make curing psoriasis and other inflammatory diseases possible.

Learn more on my “Do List”lets-go-cure-psoriasis and on my “Don’t List. ” All available on this website. Just navigate to the main menu and keep on learning.

All my other material will help you rid your psoriasis, and understand WHY the “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” are so important.

Truly comprehending the WHY will help you figure out HOW to heal your psoriasis that much faster.

I have just educated you about the benefits of apples. If done in-sync with The Do List and the Don’t List, it will ensure that you rid your psoriasis naturally and will also help you maintain wonderful skin there of.

How to cure Psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

Cure Psoriasis With Passion

About Drake

Own My eBook Offline, “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is loaded with priceless How-to-remedy-psoriasis-naturally-book-coverinformation on things to do, “The Do List,” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List,“ on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.

Own a personal downloaded copy in a simple and easy to navigate interface. Portable and accessible eBook reader app like Apple , Kindle, ePub and PDF, are some examples in which this eBook can be utilized.

Read on or off-line however you wish. No internet connection no problem.

If you decide to help me out and purchase my eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this website.

Thank you for reading this part of my website. Feel free to leave me a comment or question below. I will respond.


Apple Cider Vinegar For Psoriasis – 3 Reasons Why

Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples with yeast. This ferments sugars into alcohol.

Mother probiotics aka good bacteria is added, which ferments the alcohol into acetic acid. Acetic acid is the popular active compound in apple cider vinegar. And debatable what gives it most of it’s super powers.

There are many reasons to use apple cider vinegar for psoriasis. In this article, I will discuss the main three reasons why. One: apple cider vinegar is anti-inflammatory. Two: apple cider vinegar removes toxins. Three: apple cider vinegar has nutrients.

Apple Cider Vinegar Fights Inflammation

Acute vs chronic.

Acute inflammation aka short term inflammation is thought of as healthy inflammation because it is turned on when the body is suddenly damaged or imperil, such as injury or infection.

Acute inflammation serves to exterminate toxins, bacteria, and other foreign molecules when it is needed. And it deactivates when its services are no longer required. It will activate to do its task and then it will stop when it has completed its task.

Chronic Inflammation aka long term inflammation is the opposite of acute inflammation. It can be known as very troublesome.

Chronic Inflammation is a warning sign because it’s a symptom of something amiss, something very wrong. It is red, nasty, and very annoying, it likes to cause trouble; and doesn’t seem to be doing anything except making itself known, this can cause hundreds of conundrums in the body.

It starts a domestic fight with the body’s own tissue and doesn’t stop, its just there causing violence. Chronic inflammation will continue to be activated because something in the body is causing it to react this way. Something is keeping chronic inflammation activated. Chronic inflammation will cause extreme problems if it is not dealt with.

The number one reason to use apple cider vinegar for psoriasis is it counters chronic inflammation by the way of alkalizing.

Over eating highly acidic foods can cause the body to be inflamed.

Apple cider vinegar has an acidic PH, but it still alkalizes.

And even though the body’s PH self regulates with almost flawless balance.

ACV still helps regulates acidity by allowing PH buffering. This counters extreme acidity with alkalization. Tweaking and restoring , and finely tuning the proper PH balance thus helping to control body inflammation.

Psoriasis, which is inflammation of the skin, is caused by inflammation of a leaky gut mostly.

There are many reasons on why the gut is inflamed and leaky. To learn the main reasons why click here.

Apple cider vinegar promotes gut healing and anti-inflammation by pampering good bacteria.

Good bacteria also known as probiotics utilize prebiotics. Prebiotics can be developed from many foods especially apple cider vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar Removes Toxins

Also, used as a detox. Apple Cider Vinegar is well-known for removing toxins.

For thousands of years it has been utilized in many health related ways. Even in 400 BC, the famous Greek physician Hippocrates promoted its use.

Think of apple cider vinegar as an internal body cleanser. A healthy acid that scrubs the digestive track as well as the liver.

The liver, (the body’s filter), its main job includes filtering blood exiting the digestive tract, then passing it to the rest of the body, could use a good flush now and then. Just as one would clean their air conditioner filter or shower filter.

The acid found in apple cider vinegar binds to excessive toxins in the body and removes them. Promoting healthy circulation and a detoxified liver.

Apple Cider Vinegar Has Nutrients

ACV has an extreme concentration of nutrients that is beneficial to the body. A lack of certain nutrients can cause certain ailments including skin problems.

Here are some of the goodies that are present in one of the best Apple Cider Vinegar brands you can buy. Bragg Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.

Acetic Acid: Is a natural antimicrobial. Produced by good bacteria during fermentation. It fights fungal and bacterial infections. Acetic acid increases the body’s ability to digest protein faster and break it down into amino acids quicker. This helps ensure an efficient metabolism and discourages a lacking one.

Probiotics: Healthy bacteria or friendly bacteria. Call it what you will. It helps break down food in our guts and promotes a more effective digestive system.

Braggs Organic and Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar contains strands of  friendly bacteria called ‘Mother,’ one of the top stands around.

C vitamin: Discussing the top vitamin on the planet. Vitamin C can do the extreme. Reversing inflammation is indeed a under rated trait. But mainly, vitamin C act’s as an electron giver.

The vitamin C found in apple cider vinegar can not only prevent disease, but it can also reverse disease too. This happens because vitamin C donates
electrons to free radicals.

But why donate electrons to the enemy? Because, by giving electrons to the free radicals, they now hold all they can carry. This hinders them from stealing electrons from other sources.

B vitamins inside apple cider vinegar can regulate inflammation.

B6 vitamin: is an ingredient that is also put into anti-inflammatory drugs. These medicines are issued by physicians to control inflammatory diseases.

B1 vitamin: also known as thiamine, which is also found in liver and beans has been known to promote nerve inflammation if deficient. So luckily it’s present in ACV.

B2 Vitamin: according to the internet’s PubMed, the US National Library of Medicine, B2 vitamin or Riboflavin “deficiency induces a pathological pro-inflammatory response.”

B3 Vitamin: Also known as Niacin promotes skin and digestive health which is extremely relevant when dealing with psoriasis. Live Science quotes the University of Maryland Medical Center. “Severe niacin deficiency can cause inflamed or flaky skin.”

B7 Vitamin: Also known as biotin is found in many food sources. It promotes healthy skin and digestive system, which is ideal when combating inflammation and psoriasis.

B9 vitamin: Also known as Folic Acid or Folate. Helps the body make healthy new cells and not unhealthy and inflamed flaky old ones. Especially important for prenatal and postnatal brain and spine development.

Apple Cider Vinegar Has Minerals

The main difference between vitamins and minerals is vitamins are organic. And minerals are inorganic.

Because vitamins are organic they originate from animals and plants.

Minerals are inorganic solids and originate from earth and soil but are acquired through animals and plants. Both are natural occurring.

Vitamins can be broken down further from their current chemical
compound. Heat, air, acid and the reaction to other compounds ensure the
chemical break down possible. Edible minerals can’t be broken down any
further because they exist as an element (simplest form of substance) and not a compound (combination of two or more elements in a well ordered, natural occurring chemical structure).

The essential minerals are basically a few raw elements on the periodic table. Also, known as dietary elements or dietary minerals.

Like some vitamins, some essential minerals are perfect in just trace amounts of consumption. And similar to some vitamins some dietary elements are more beneficial if consumed in a more generous amount.

Granted also, another similarity some dietary minerals share with vitamins is the ability to be stored in the human body.

Dietary Minerals Present in Apple Cider Vinegar Counter Inflammation

  • Iron – Trace amounts are good. Deficiency = inflammation.
  • Magnesium- Abundance is good. Deficiency = inflammation.
  • Calcium – Battles obesity. Fatty cell common with psoriasis.
  • Phosphorus – Filters waste and toxins.
  • Sodium – Trace amounts needed for fluid balance.
  • Potassium – Flushes excessive sodium reducing inflammation.

ACV Fights Many Ailments

– Osteoporosis

– Obesity

– Cramps

– Pain

– Hypertension

– Arthritis

– Psoriasis

– Aging


– Acne

– Shingles

– Insect bites

– Dandruff

– Vaginitis

– Hyperglycemia

– Diabetes

– Gastroparesis

– Sunburn

– Sore throat

– Other Body Inflammations


How to Use

– Teaspoon consumed orally in the morning

– Teaspoon consumed orally before meals

– Tea spoons in drinks

– A quart in the bathtub

– May be used as a topical ointment

-Infinite Recipes

What We learned in “Apple Cider Vinegar for Psoriasis” Article

Apple Cider Vinegar is excellent for fighting body inflammation. This includes skin inflammation which is psoriasis. Incorporating apple cider vinegar in our daily routines will help serve in curing psoriasis and other inflammatory diseases.

Here is a link to some Bragg Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar.

Scope my “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” on this website, go back to the main menu and learn that content now.

The other content will help youlets-go-cure-psoriasis cure psoriasis, and understand WHY the “The Do List” and “The Don’t List” are so important. Truly understanding the WHY will help you figure out HOW to cure psoriasis that much easier.

I have just taught you about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. If done in conjunction with The Do List and the Don’t List, it will ensure that you cure psoriasis naturally and will also help you maintain beautiful skin indefinitely

How to cure Psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

Cure Psoriasis With Passion

About Drake

Own My eBook Offline, “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is packed with rich informationRemedy-poriasis-naturally-cover on things to do, “The Do List” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List,“ on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.

Own a personal downloaded copy in a simple and easy to navigate interface. Portable and accessible eBook reader app like Kindle, Apple, ePub and PDF, are some examples in which this book can be read.

Read on or off-line however you choose. No internet connection no problem.

If you do decide to help me out and purchase my eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this website.

Thank you for reading “Apple Cider Vinegar for Psoriasis.” Feel free to leave me a comment or question below. I will respond.


About Drake Brooks

drake brooks handsome

“We often take good things for granted.” Me, like most people, good things are not truly appreciated until taken away. My name is Drake Brooks and I was drake brooks hansomeburdened with Psoriasis at the prime of my life. My skin went from golden peach to what seemed like road rashes in a short amount of time and I was mad at the world because of it. I have made getting my skin back my ultimate goal.

A Little Back Story

College was the meeting grounds for men and women to meet; whether on campus or at a party. So I made sure I looked slim by exercising and only drinking diet sodas and light beer.

I maintained an appealing masculine figure and showed it off whenever I could.

My skin always received compliments especially after returning from the beach. It was light gold in most cases but because I didn’t work hard for it, I wasn’t as proud of it. I took my skin for granted. Every weekend was a party. And every weekend we did what most college gents would do, go out and mingle. We were handsome bachelors looking for good times.

I demanded attention from the opposite sex because in college that’s all I cared about. Whether they liked me or not they always had to look whenever I entered a room. My confidence soared because of this, and because my confidence was high, my drake-brooks-old-schoolsex appeal was high.

Bad Habits Will Take Their Toll Sooner or Later

Some days I would wake up hung over and extremely thirsty due to drinking and smoking all night. When there was no drinking water, I would drink from the tap in the kitchen. Sometimes there would be no ice and I would crave something cold. I would go to the soda machine downstairs and get a drink. The soda machine was always out of water so instead I would settle for a soda.

But I wanted to keep my six-pack abs so I wouldn’t get just any soda, I would get a diet soda. Soon the addiction rolled in. Whenever thirsty, I would crave the nice cold crisp taste of a non-fat soda, and take 50 cents to the soda machine down stairs.

Tipping the Scales

I was a part-time server and a full time student. My roommate lost his job and moved out of our apartment. Stressful times followed after that. I worked extra shifts at my job while studying for finals. To compensate my budget, I would buy cheap, less nutritional foods.drake brooks grad

One day a friend asked me to join him on a wild mushroom hunt. I did. I even recommended a mushroom field not too far away from where we lived. Having some experience with spotting mushrooms, I found the only one that day. It was medium size, hardly worth my time, so I gave the mushroom to my friend.

After getting home and out of the shower, I noticed what seemed to be bite marks on both my legs and my right arm. The telltale tiny holes and the accompanied raised red bumps in the skin. I figured it was a spider or an insect of some sort. I ignored it until the next day. The anomaly remained the same even after three days had passed. Then it began to look more and more like a rash every day thereafter.

My Frantic Researchhow do you get psoriasis bitmoji

I didn’t have money to go to the doctor or want to, even though I knew I probably should have. Here are some keywords I used while scouring documents and images on the internet. I read books and what I could get my hands onto.


– Rash

– Spider Bites

– Bite Marks

– Skin Rash

– Strange Rash

– Blemish

– Bumps

– Red Bumps

– Red Rash

– Sudden Rashdo i have psoriasis


The images I kept stumbling upon were of psoriasis and emphysema. The pictures or the descriptions weren’t really comparable to my skin at first but the more I kept comparing the images to my skin the more it seemed to be one in the same. All the images started to make me itch, especially the rashes. I decided to give the research a rest for that day, and I settled on three possibilities.


1. Some strange spiders or insects had bitten me in the mushroom field and infected my skin with some type of rash. Not psoriasis.

2. I’ve had psoriasis for a while and didn’t ever know it. I acquired it by some other means in the past, probably by accumulating stress and bad habits. My stress level was finally showing up on my skin. I was never bitten.

3. The bites initiated my dormant psoriasis to flare up. So when I was bitten. The irritation from the bite caused my skin to react accordingly.


When my skin began to flake, my true hypothesis was that it was indeed psoriasis. The more I studied the disorder the more I believed it. The only thing I fuck psoriasiscouldn’t fathom was the term hereditary. There was no history of any type of psoriasis or skin disorder in either side of my family.


What They Say About Psoriasis

– Hereditary

– Unknown

– Auto Immune Disease

– Incurable

– Not Much Known

– Itchiness

– Redness

– Flaking

– Dryness

– Lesions

– Inflammations


Appointment One

He examined and confirmed that it was indeed psoriasis, that there was no cure and that it would remain forever, but that there is a treatment and it can be controlled. I didn’t believe that.

He prescribed a topical cream. I followed the directions and applied morning and night. It did nothing, not even control the spreading of the psoriasis rash. In the meantime I continued my research and ordered a formula online called Zen Fusion. I learned much of alternative medicines and natural remedies through this time period.


Appointment Two

The second appointment was about a week later. He observed and decided to up the potency of the prescribed medication. As before I followed the directions to no avail; the psoriasis remained and started to multiply and take up more body percentage. Because the prescribed formula didn’t seem to be working, I discontinued it by the time the Zen Fusion product came in the mail.

The direction of application for the Zen Fusion formula was the same as the application to the other topical formula. Apply twice a day, morning and night. The Zen Fusion showed generous results! The psoriasis seemed to reduce its body percentage and appear less visible. By this time, I already started ordering other products and preparing for alternative techniques which I discuss soon.


Appointment Three

By the time the next appointment came around I was feeling pretty good about myself. There was hope that I might defeat this ailment and prove my doctor wrong. While sitting on the exam table in the middle of an exam room, I explained to him that I stopped using his prescribed medication because it did nothing. And that I started using Zen Fusion.

The results of the product were decent. The inflammation had reduced. He read the label on the back of the empty box I brought for him. He scoffed and said “this won’t work.” And then he threw the box in the trash without my permission. He said he wanted to put me on something else, something “stronger.” He left the room right after that.

I was curious about the product he went to get. Either way, he wasn’t changing my mind; I was sticking with Zen Fusion for now, because it was the only thing I had that seemed to be working.

I waited on the exam table with my shirt off. Of late, I wouldn’t be so under-dressed with my condition and all. It would be embarrassing if someone were to see my skin and react.

Long sleeves favor the weather now but what about when it gets hot? I can’t hide under sleeves forever. Despite what the doctor said, I had to rid myself of this. I stared at my arms and my chest, the psoriasis was all over and it was gross.

I thought to myself again for the hundredth time. I had to get better. I couldn’t let anybody see me like this. What would my friends think of me if they were to see me like this? Would they think it’s contagious and avoid me? Would I have to explain every time I meet someone that it’s not contagious? Or even worse! What sad because of psoriasiswould women think? I considered myself a playboy of sorts and the thought of being shunned by the opposite sex haunted me dearly.

Like a stranger answering questions from your thoughts: the door opened and in walked five student interns wearing white coats. I met the first one’s eyes, she was pretty. At first she smiled, but as her eyes lowered to my shirtless toned body, her eyebrows went up.

When she looked closer at my condition, her head cocked back half an inch. Her eyes flashed wide for a millisecond, she quickly looked away. Grave disappointment settled on her entire facial expression. She never made eye contact with me again. It was as if she was embarrassed for me and my psoriasis condition.

Three more female interns walked in behind her, all pretty. Each one had the similar reactions as the first. They circled around me and my exam table, a male intern then walked in behind them and then the doctor followed the rear and closed the door. The doctor began his presentation. He pointed at my elbows with a gloved hand and many other areas with inflammation.

“Well, this is the last time I’m coming here.” I thought to myself.


A Last Act of Redemption

The doctor was quick. He said what he had to say for the interns and they all left the room. I put my shirt on and I was about to put on my jacket when the doctor came in. He had the medicine he wanted to try on me. I ignored him. I was mad about that horrible trick he played on me. I understand he knew that if he’d told me about the interns then of course I would have refused. It’s understood the way young doctors learn. If they asked all the patients for observing consent,then most patients probably wouldn’t consent, thus limiting the student learning experience. But still, that was a dirty trick, embarrassing me in front of those ladies.

As if in an act to redeem himself, he asked me a peculiar question. He lowered his voice and asked why my right arm had more inflammation and my left arm hardly any inflammation. Before I could ponder the first question, he asked me a second question, if I drive with my arm out the window. I said “yes, I do, why?” What he whispered next intrigued me.

“The sunlight works against it. Your left arm gets more sunlight your right arm gets less, that’s why your right arm has more psoriasis and your left arm has less. You hang your left arm out the window when you drive giving it a majority of sunlight and clearer skin, while your right arm gets little to no sunlight leaving it more symptomatic.”

Holy shit he was right! Hope existed in the sunlight. My resolve strengthened. Why didn’t he just tell me this earlier? And why was he being so secretive. His voice shot up as he prescribed the new, more potent topical solution. He started talking normal again but this time he seemed more superficial as if he was an automated voice machine telling me what to do.

I left his office that day feeling more eager then I have ever felt before. Thank you Doctor, I needed that.what is psoriasis For many years I studied how to get my golden skin back. For years after many attempts of trial and error, blood and sweat, anger and tears, I finally did it. I did it! I @#$%ing did it! I got my mother#$%ing skin back! This… is how I did it.

Quick Rundown

The system is very delicate. If the system wants to supply jobs in the multi-trillion dollar medical industries,

there must be a demand for doctors, nurses, specialists, medical equipment manufacturers, insurance companies, pharmaceuticals, etcetera.

So for there to be a demand of a medical system, and in order for that system to continue its economics, there needs to be patients in need of continuous treatments, and not one time cures. The cash flow stops once the patient is cured and well off; why should he come back for that particular illness ever again.

Cash flow flows with indefinite treatments, because the patients keep paying for the expensive treatments over and over again throughout the course of their lives.

If all the doctors said “Here’s the cure to all diseases,” then the hospitals would be nearly empty due to cured patients leaving the hospitals with no need to come back. Almost a third of society’s jobs would dissipate literally over night. The system would break.

No disease = No patients = No money flow


To a Hand Full of People

If everyone knew how to cure themselves of disease, then the system would falter. But if only a hand full of people knew how to cure themselves, and the majority did not, then the system would still sustain itself. You were clever enough to take an alternative look. Only a handful of people like yourself are clever and think outside the box, the system can still survive like that. “Not everyone needs to know” is what the dudes on top think.

It is now up to you to come up from this mess and change your skin back to normal for good. It will not be easy; it may be hard as hell. You may have to flip your lifestyle around, and upside down to win, (or should I say right side up), but if you truly desire your beautiful skin back…you have to make the right choices.


I Saw Others Suffering Too

I come across people suffering from psoriasis all the time, be it at work, the store, or even at friendly gatherings. Most of these people that suffer from psoriasis are very nice people who live average lives just trying to survive and take care of their families. Little does anyone know, they are suffering greatly, inside and out.

They want nothing more than to live their lives in peace. And because of their condition, they can’t. They are forced by the system to just live out their lives in misery and just accept it. I’m tired of being a bystander and just letting people suffer. I’m here to put my foot down once and for all and bloody do something.

The problem is, most people don’t want a random strangers advice. How does that saying go? “Don’t give unwanted advice. The wise don’t need it, and the fools don’t heed it.” A person suffering from psoriasis at a store does not want to be accosted by a “Know It All”, claiming to know how to have better looking skin than him. He probably has a doctor for that and it’s none of mine or anyone else’s business. He’s probably been infected most of his life and has accepted the fact that he may very well die with the disorder Psoriasis. But if only he knew he doesn’t have too.

The Goaltrue psoriasis strory bitmoji

The goal of this website is this. It is possible to get your skin back. It is possible to rid the psoriasis condition from your body. It is possible to cure psoriasis. And though clear skin may take some time, it can be done. And though clear skin may be hard to accomplish, it not only can be done, it can be done naturally.
All the best,



How to cure Psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

Cure Psoriasis With Passion

Homemade Recipes For Psoriasis


Own My eBook Offline, “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is jammed pack with rich information on things to do, “The Do List” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List, on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.

If you don’t want to purchase my book just yet its cool with me. All the information collected in my eBook is also spread out throughout my website, browseHow-to-rememdy-psoriasis-naturally-cover

around my website and read about How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally.

However, if you want to have your own personal downloaded copy in a simple and easy to navigate interface, you are in luck. A portable and accessible eBook reader app like Kindle, Apple, ePub and Pdf, are some examples. Read on or off line however you choose. No internet connection no problem.

My eBook is only $9.99 right now but I may change the price to a higher amount if I start becoming greedy due to an increase in traffic and popularity.

If you do decide to help me out and purchase my very first eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be very much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this website.


Thank you for reading this part of my website. Feel free to leave me a comment or question below. I will respond.



Shea Moisture African Black Soap Eczema & Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar – Review

What a long name for a bar of soap… but is the bar worth it? Is it worth having such a long and exuberant title? Does it live up to it’s long name and what it claims to do?

Welcome to another Shea Moisture review where we Shea-Moisturebreak the soap down and examine it up close, naked, and in the tub.

According to the fine print on the box. Shea Moisture can “calm,” it can “clear,” and it can “heal.”

Is says it is eczema and psoriasis therapy. Is it really therapeutic? In this article we’ll find out if these words ring true.

We will also scope the ingredients, read multiple testimonies, test lather levels, and analyze all aspects of Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar. That really is a long name.

Shea Moisture Origins

Shea Moisture was established in 1912 by a lady named Sofi Tucker. She was a widow with four kids. At first, she hustled Shea Nuts and then she moved on to slanging Shea Butter and other products. African Black Soap was her legacy.

Now her Grandchildren proudly carry out the Shea Moisture product line. The company sells personnel care products that are slowly growing in fame.

Some Shea Moisture Products

– Conditioners

– Lotions

– Shampoos

– Hair Masques

– Soaps

– Oils

– Creams

– Ointments

– Balms

– Detanglers

What does Eczema and Psoriasis have in Common?

First of all, why does eczema and psoriasis appear? They appear for many reasons. Toxicity and deficiency from poor eating habits is usually the main reason. Stress, lack of exercise, or harsh chemicals from tap water or other products could be other reasons.

I go way more in depth on why throughout this site. To learn more about skin disorders click here.

Many people speculate that psoriasis and eczema are not the same thing but generally have the similar symptoms. Psoriasis starts to flake after forming on patches of inflammation. Eczema starts to flake after skin becomes dry. Although Psoriasis and Eczema are considered long term, they still flake together in the end.

Two different disorders sharing the same final symptom, “flakes.”

Does Shea Moisture African Black Soap Eczema & Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar Clear up skin and flakes?

Flakes can be prevented but can it also be removed after one shower?

Multiple testimonies confirm that Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar does indeed clear the symptoms of flakes but not completely.

Does Shea Moisture African Black Soap Eczema & Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar make you feel Calm, as it says so on the box?

After purchasing a bar and using it, I noticed that I did feel quite calm and relaxed. This is good because stress and anxiety can cause skin issues. Sometimes it’s best just to relax.

Feeling relaxed and calm is probably due in part from the pleasant aroma and scent that the bar carries.

Some may argue that buying scented soap for skin problems isn’t helpful for the skin. Some fragrances may even irritate the skin further defeating the purpose on buying special soap in the first place.

In general, it really depends on the individual person. Some may experience a reduction on symptoms, some may feel hypersensitive. While others may feel neutral.

Personally, I use to use Dove’s Unscented Soap, which is perfect for people that have fragrance paranoia. I would buy the 8-pack and it would last forever. It never irritated my skin and kept my skin smooth, soft, and clean.

Just don’t forget that skin inflammation diseases usually occur due to internal problems, not externals ones. Learn more by clicking here.

What are the Ingredients of Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap

Shea Moisture African Black Soap contains many organic mixtures. Some are natural and some are probably not. Here is a list of all the ingredients Shea Moisture African Black Soap contains.

– Fucus Vesiculosus Extract – (Tinc)

– Centella Asiatica Extract – (Tinc)

– Melissa Officinalis Extract – (Tinc)

– Aloe Socotrina Extract – (1x)

– Sodium Palm Kernelate

– Water

– Glycerin

– Fragrance

– Palmitic Acid

– Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea butter)

– Helianthus Annuus

– (Sunflower Seed Oil (and) Salix Alba (Willow) Bark Extract

– Saponifield Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter)

– Soponified Cocos Nucifera

– (Coconut Oil)

– Sapomified Elaeis Guineensis (Palm) Kernel Oil

– Cocoa Pod Ash

– Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernal Meal

– Carbon

– Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernal Flour

– Melia Azaduirachta (Neem) Seed Oil

– Charcoal Powder

– Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil

– Sodium Chloride

– Tetrasodium EDTA

– Tetrasodium Etidronate

What Was Not Added to Shea Moisture African Black Soap Eczema & Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar

Every product line is proud of itself for one reason or another. Shea Moisture is proud to say “cruelty free.” Which means no animal testing! This is a big plus for me because I’m a huge animal lover. Even though I eat them sometimes

Shea Moisture African Black Soap Eczema & Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar Review From Amazon

Some Good Reviews

– “This stuff really does work.”

– “This soap has made his skin softer and the psoriasis patches not so flaky and dry looking.”

– ” the best product for your skin. I have psoriasis and eczema and this soap leaves my skin feeling perfect. I will never switch back to anything else. Simply the best.”

– “50%healed. In a week! Once a day… I haven’t been itchy the last few days at all. THIS SOAP IS A LIFE SAVER.”

– “I call this my magic soap… I tried so many products, and this special soap is truly a miracle for me.”

– “Very soothing. Takes away the itch and some of the redness. Definitely calms eczema but does not clear it at all”

– “Best soap around. This has really cleared my skin. the bar is very large shea-moisture-dandruff-control-masque-bitmojiand last for a long time”

– “Great soap, keeps skin soft and feeling good especially with my sensitive skin.”

– “bought this for my child that has mild eczema and it works well. My child likes it and requests for me to continue to buy it…so I will.”

– It works ok better than soap, and also smells great! ilove it will order again.”

– “Works for problem skin. Shea Moisture products are a little more costly but ARE worth it.”

– “love it”

Some Bad Reviews

– “product didn’t work good on my eczema.”

– “My skin breaks out everyday so I thought when it says for eczema that this was totally gonna work but it didn’t help at all.”

– “too harsh for my skin”

– “Honestly think my eczema may have gotten worse using this product”

– “I stopped using it. Within 2 days, the red rash went away”

– “made my eczema worse”

Lather Level

On a scale of 1-10, Shea Moisture Deep Cleansing Shampoo gets an over all lather level score of 6.5 That is just from my experience using the soap.

What Are Some Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients In Shea Moisture African Black Soap?

The following ingredients in Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar have certain claims.

– Fucus Vesiculosus Extract – (Tinc) – Remedy for Eczema

– Centella Asiatica Extract – (Tinc) – Reduces Itching

– Melissa Officinalis Extract – (Tinc) – Reduces Irritation

– Aloe Socotrina Extract – (1x) Humectan

A Message For The Reader

As I have mentioned through out this web site and also in my book. Skin inflammation is an internal problem. Simply rubbing cream, lotion, topical medication, soap, or any other fancy concoction on top will not solve the problem. It may lighten, sooth, hide, or mask the symptom, which is flaky, red, inflammation. But again, it will not cure, heal, or make the issue go away.

If you really want to learn how to remedy psoriasis naturally read my Do List and Don’t List after you read this article.

Interested in Shea Moisture African Black Soap Eczema & Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar?

We have discussed the Origins of Shea Moisture which dates back to 1912. We have also discussed through the reviews that Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar, for the most part, lives up to its expectations of calm, clear, and healing attributes.

Here is the link If you are Interested in Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar.

High Recommendations to Compliment the Soap

If you want a dandruff blasting effect.

It is best to get…

Quick Recap

Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Therapy Medicated Cleansing Bar helps clear the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. It also brings calmness as it can help clear the skin.

Personally, I really feel that these products mentioned above live up to their name and help ease the psoriasis problem. It deep cleans away and leaves your skin feeling fresh, clean, and smooth.

If you have psoriasis or eczema then it’s your lucky day. Know that Shea Moisture specializes in helping people with skin problems.

Learn How to Cure Inflammation

This was the “Shea Moisture’s African Black Soap Eczema And Psoriasis Let-go-cure-psoriasis-bitmojiTherapy Medicated Cleansing Bar Review.”

If you have inflammatory skin issues like psoriasis or eczema, don’t worry because despite what the doctors say, it can be fixed!

To understand why skin disorders happen in the first place I would suggest you also readThe Do Listand The Don’t Liston this website.

Imperative reading material also includes

How to cure Psoriasis

Cure Psoriasis – The Do list

How to Treat Psoriasis – The Don’t List

Cure Psoriasis With Passion

About Drake

Own My eBook Offline,  “How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally

It is jammed pack with rich information on things to do, “The Do List” and things not to do, “The Don‘t List, on how to remedy psoriasis naturally.

If you don’t want to purchase my book just yet its cool with me. All the information collected in my eBook is also spread out throughout my website, browse How-to-rememdy-psoriasis-naturally-coveraround my website and read about How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally.

However, if you want to have your own personal downloaded copy offline, in a simple and easy to navigate interface, you are in luck.

A portable and accessible eBook reader app like Kindle, Apple, ePub and Pdf, are some examples. Read on or off line however you choose. No internet connection no problem.

My eBook is only $9.99 right now but I may change the price to a higher amount if I start becoming greedy due to an increase in traffic and popularity.

If you do decide to help me out and purchase my very first eBook How to Remedy Psoriasis Naturally, it would be very much appreciated. Profits will help me maintain and continue to add important content and recipes to this website.

Thank you for reading this part of my website. Feel free to leave me a comment or question below. I will respond.